NCTS 5 Sweden

Release 5 of NCTS was launched in Sweden on 28 January 2024. 

On this page you can access video guides and other useful information related to getting started with NCTS 5 in EmmaSped CMS.

Important! For you to start using the NCTS 5 module for transits, you first need to add your ACE and or ACR code(s) to your set-up in EmmaSped CMS. Please do this as soon as possible.

Adding your ACE / ACR code

Find your ACE / ACR code here:

See Screenshots below for details on how to add the codes to EmmaSped CMS. This is also shown as part of the video NCTS 5 functions and detailed set-up.

If you have trouble finding your ACE/ ACR code, please contact Tullverket for assistance.

Screenshots for adding ACR /ACE in EmmaSped CMS:

NCTS 5 Departure – ACR Code:

NCTS 5 Arrival – ACE Code :

Video guides & user guides

EmmaSped CMS tutorial videos and user guides related to NCTS 5:

Information from Swedish Customs, Tullverket, about NCTS 5:

Testing (Slutprov & Testfalls)

There are six tests available for Swedish users. The number of tests you need to complete depends on your current permissions and future needs. This is explained in the first video below (“Slutprov”). The second video show “testfalls” (the “testfalls” are voluntary).

After completing the tests, you need to notify Tullverket, see details below.

In the video section below you can also see videos of NCTS 5 departure, arrival and functions.

What needs to be done before testing:

Log on EmmaSped and check your access to Test database (choose between Prod and Test when logging on).

The other tests will be prepared in EmmaSped CMS’s October version. It is possible to access them already, by clicking “ignore” as shown below:

An overview of all available tests can be seen in the screenshot below:

What to do after testing – Remember to notify Tullverket:

After testings are completed, you need to email the test details to Tullverket (Swedish Customs). According to Tullverket, this is the information you need to send them:

När slutproven är genomförda med förväntat resultat, skickar ni en e-post till och anger:

  • Företagets organisationsnummer
  • Företagets kontaktperson i EDI-frågor (namn och e-postadress)
  • LRN/MRN kopplat till respektive slutprov
  • Systemets namn

Please contact Tullverket if you have questions.

Video guides:

Video guides related to “testfall” and “slutprov”

NCTS 5 Slutprov:

NCTS 5 Testfall: