EU’s Learning portal can be a good place to start. Search for ICS2 to get the relevant courses:
The summary of the eLearing for Maritime and Inland Waterways can be found here.
Official documentation
The official EU documentation can be found by following the link to CIRCABC release 3 here: https://taxation-customs.ec.europa.eu/customs-4/customs-security/import-control-system-2-ics2-0/ics2-resources_en
Press the Library-button to find the available documentation.
Download the files you need and unzip the zip files.
In the zip-file found under “ICS2 Common Functional System Specifications” you can find detailed specifications for each message type (see path in the screenshot below):
In the specification you can see the format of the fields, which fields are mandatory (M), conditional (C) and optional (O), if there are special rules or conditions connected to the field and if there are code lists available.
Rules & conditions (Document 6 – R&C) and Code lists (Document 7 – CL) can be found in the same zip file.
Developers would probably prefer XSD’s instead of Excel specifications. They can be found in the zip-file under “ICS2 Common Technical System Specifications” (see path in the screenshot below):