ICS2 information for Emma Systems customers

Import Control System 2, ICS2, is the new EU Customs Advance Cargo Information System. It is part of the new custom’s pre-arrival security and safety programme to better protect Europe`s single market and its citizens with new safety and security measures.

ICS2 will affect the operations of every freight forwarder and ground handler, although the degree of impact may differ. Unlike the previous ICS regime, ICS2 places a more significant emphasis on freight forwarders. 

As a freight forwarder or cargo handler (any mode), it’s imperative that you comprehend and proactively determine your future needs in the ICS2 context.

On this page we have gathered useful information about what we at Emma Systems are doing to meet the new ICS2 requirments.

ICS2 timeline

The ICS2 is rolled out in phases from 2021 – 2025

Release 1 – March 2021: Air Express Pre-loading & Postal Air Pre-loading

Release 2 – Air General Cargo & Air Express Full

Release 3 is divided into 3 steps:

03.06 – 04.12 2024: Step 1, Maritime and inland waterway carriers

04.12.2024 – 01.04. 2025: Step 2, Maritime and inland waterway house level filers (including unaccompanied RoRo)

01.04 – 01.09 2025: Step 3, Road and rail carriers (including accompanied RoRo)

ICS2 Release 3

Getting ready for release 3 – Here’s what you need to do now

1: Request delayed deployment

We are using the transition period to thoroughly test the system without relying on workarounds or temporary fixes. This approach allows for a gradual and controlled rollout, ensuring all our customers are fully operational well before the final deadline.

Maritime house filers should have already requested delayed deployment before the transition period began in December 2024. Road and Rail filers should request delayed deployment before 1st April 2025.

Use the time before deployment to gather data, get to know the new modules, update internal systems and build integrations if needed, and finalise agreements with your partners and customers.

Country-specfic information about how to request delayed deployment:

3: Who should send ENS information?

In ICS2 it is possible to send partial ENS messages that are completed by one or several other parties. It is important that the one filing the message have the correct information, so that partial ENS’s can be connected or a complete ENS can be sent with all required information.

Reach out to your partners to determine the best approach for your needs.

2: Get EORI number

Companies who are planning to send any of the messages to EU, will need to have an EORI-number. The EU certificate will be handled by us as a system provider. 

If you don’t already possess an EORI number, it’s imperative to request one now.

For Norwegian companies, please be aware that Tollvesenet/Norwegian authorities do not issue EORI numbers. Tollvesenet’s recommendation is to obtain your EORI number from Sweden or Denmark.

Information from Norwegian customs about getting an EORI number

4: Contact Emma Systems

To enable a smooth transition to ICS2 for you, we ask you to notify us about your ICS2 need so we can plan the project, implementation and training in your company.

Please reach out to us after determining the information flow (step 3) with your partners/customers.

Please contact Emma Support by email (support@emmasys.com) when you have the requested information ready.

ICS2 message flow

The ICS2 message flow is as follows:

ICS2 message flow: Pre-loading ENS - Pre-arrival ENS - Arrival - Presentation

Pre-loading, Pre-arrival and Arival messages are sent directly to EU and the Presentation message is sent to local customs

Messages in blue are sent directly to EU and the Presentation message is sent to local customs in the country of off-loading of goods. 

Pre-loading ENS

For Air a minimum dataset (PLACI) is required pre-loading. For containerised cargo transported by sea (with some exceptions) a full ENS is required 24 hours pre-loading. 

Risk analysis

The Pre-loading ENS can result in a Do Not Load message from EU. 

An Arrival message may result in one or more CONTROL messages (only high-risk goods, will be controlled in the country of first entry). 

The Presentation message can also result in CONTROL messages. 


Companies who are planning to send any of the messages to EU, will need to have an EORI-number. The EU certificate will be handled by us as a system provider. 

Information from Norwegian customs about getting an EORI number

Entry summary declaration (ENS) 

The ENS part of ICS2 is quite complex. There are currently 35 different ENS-messages (F10-F55), and it is possible to combine information from different sources (goods owners, freight forwarders, carriers, agents etc.) to create a complete ENS. Which message(s) to send depends on mode of transport, if it is sent pre-loading or pre-arrival, how much information the sender has at the time and if the sender will provide all or just part of the information required for a complete ENS. In addition, it is possible to send amendments (A10-A55), “Additional information responses” and “HRCM screening responses” (if requested), Invalidations and Consultations and the system needs to handle over 20 different response messages (e.g. “Do not load request”, “ENS lifecycle validation error”, “ENS not complete”, “Assessment complete”, control notifications and error notifications).

Emma Systems has completed all conformance tests for ICS2 Release 3 – Step 1 & 2, and several Maritime carriers are now using ICS2 in Production. Onboarding of Maritime house filers will start in the beginning of 2025.

A new XSD for our standard integration is available on request.

Arrival Notification (ARN) 

The arrival notification was the first message available in our new ICS2 module, and this is now in use for both Air and Sea in Production.

The ICS2 module has functionality to specify default values/templates. You can register arrivals manually based on ETA or MRN, or use the function to create it based on ENS’s. You can see customs responses and control messages received back. For Air transport we even support cargo imp messages and can automatically create (and send) arrival messages based on CSN and MVT messages. For other transport modes our standard XML integration can be used.


This is the only national message in the ICS2 system and each country authority has different solutions. The actual Presentation message and the module to handle this might be slightly different from country to country (e.g. in Denmark it will be an extension of the Manifest solution). What’s new and fairly similar in all countries, are the response messages, or the control routing. These will always be received on house-level, although the presentation messages might have been sent on a higher level (Master or ENS). 

Routing example: 

  • TO_ENTRY – The shipment is released and can be forwarded to Consignee after border crossing.  
  • TO_CONTROL – The shipment must be delivered to Customs Authorities to be controlled. 
  • There might be other statuses and additional information like ENTRY_PENDING, ENTRY_DENIED, ON_ENTRY, AFTER_ENTRY etc.


For Air we are looking into an integration based on CSN-messages (Customs Status Notification – containing the ENS MRN) and FSU-messages (Freight status update – Status RCF = Consignment received from flight). 

This is up and running for Norway, but since the other countries have more complex Presentation messages, these might not contain the necessary information.

For Sea a standard XML integration is being created.

Presentation NO (Fremlegging) 

A separate module (CustomsPresentation) has been created for Norway, supporting presentation messages on the following levels:

  • Entry summary declaration (will at some point be replaced by Master consignment)
  • Master consignment
  • House consignment
  • Receptacle

This module is used for both ICS2 and MO (melde- og opplysningsplikt). It is possible to register and send presentation messages manually to Norwegian customs and see customs responses and control messages received back. A function to create Presentations based on ENS’s are available, and for air transport we even support cargo imp messages and can automatically create (and send) presentation messages based on CSN and FSU messages.

Data content (based on current specifications): 

  • Customs office of presentation 
  • Transport Document number and type (currently not mandatory, but will be) or Receptacle number (postal) 
  • ENS MRN 

Presentation SE (Anmälan av varors ankomst)  

Presentation in SE (POGG) is available in Emma, but it is not necessary to send this for sea transport since it is included in Maritime Single Window.

Data content : 

  • Customs office of presentation 
  • Transport Document number and type (house or master) or Receptacle number (postal) 
  • ENS MRN 
  • Goods location 
  • Declarant
  • Individual person filing the arrival of goods 
  • Representative (optional)
  • Transport equipment (optional) 

It is also possible to send a combined Presentation (“Anmälan av varors ankomst”) and Temporary storage declaration (“Deklaration för tillfällig lagring” (DTL)).

Certificates needed are the same as for import/export/NCTS. 

Useful links:

Presentation DK (Manifest)

The presentation messages are up and running in both test and production in Denmark, but it has not yet been tested by Emma (for ICS2), since no customers have requested it for Release 2. Will be made available in Emma (based on customer needs) as part of release 3.

Customers already running the Manifest solution, will not require new certificates. 

Presentation FI (Presentation notification/Anmälan av varors ankomst)

The presentation messages are fully operational in both test and production environments in Finland, as they are already in use for other purposes such as ICS1 and EU goods. While they have not yet been tested by Emma for ICS2, as no customers have requested it for Release 2, we will ensure they are ready and available in EmmaSped for ICS2 as part of Release 3, based on customer needs.

FI332 is the presentation notification and FI335 is a combined temporary storage declaration and presentation notification.

Data content (based on current specifications):

  • Customs office of presentation
  • Declarant
  • Submitter
  • Means of transport on arrival
  • Language (of response messages)
  • Transport Document number and type (house or master) or Receptacle number (postal)
  • Previous document (355 for ENS + MRN)
  • Goods location
  • Representative (optional)
  • Service provider (optional)
  • Additional information (optional)
  • Warehouse (optional)

Our ICS2 Pricing

Presentation – €150 / month

The Presentation module is available for a monthly cost of € 150 or the equivalent in NOK, SEK, DKK, or EURO.

Arrival (part of ICS2) – €150 / month

The Arrival module is also priced at a monthly cost of €150 or the equivalent in NOK, SEK, DKK, or EURO.

ICS2 (Complete solution) – €400 / month

For the complete ICS2 solution, opt for our ICS2 module, priced at a monthly cost of €400 or the equivalent in NOK, SEK, DKK, or EURO.

Purchasing the full ICS2 module, you gain access to all three modules in the country of your initial purchase. If you wish to expand to additional countries, you only need to buy ICS2 once. However, for the national Presentation module, it must be purchased separately for each additional country.

Transaction costs may apply

Please be aware that while our standard pricing covers most usage scenarios, additional transaction costs apply for customers with high transaction volumes.

For a pricing quote tailored to high volume, please get in touch with us.

Questions? Contact us

AB Square Placeholder

Useful links and more information about ICS2

We strongly recommend that you follow the below links, to get more information on what impact ICS2 will have on your business.