From March 2025, Norwegian Customs will discontinue direct transport (Direktekjøring). Digital notifications (digital melde- og opplysningsplikt) will also be implemented at the same time.
In light of the requests by Norwegian businesses, system providers, and industry organisations to postpone these implementations, we thank the authorities for listening. While 2025 is two years ahead, now is not the time to rest, we all need to roll up our sleeves and get to work!
Preparing for Digitoll:
Some important steps as we see it:
- Norwegian Customs needs to conduct a detailed analysis of all proposed changes in the Digitoll project, and provide clear instructions and specifications.
- Customs brokers and traders need to understand the full concept of Digitoll and how their roles and responsibilities will be affected.
- This might include the need for new competence, analysing their way of working, and what parts of the Digitoll concept will affect them and how.
- Emma Systems, like other system providers, needs clear specifications and all scenario’s explained to prepare the existing and potentially new solutions for the upcoming changes.
- There is a lot of code to be written by software suppliers, and potentially a lot of training of personnel on the user side.
Traders need to take an active role in driving their trade and customs flow
Traders need to be prepared to provide more customs data earlier in the process, as well as to play an active role in verifying the data’s accuracy.
To ensure that your customs data is as good as possible, you should:
- Take ownership of the item information
- Work closely with your suppliers, customs brokers, and freight forwarders
- Ensure traceability throughout the entire process, from order via customs declaration to book value and reporting
- Establish written routines for control and deviation management
Useful links for future reading:
Blog Post: Digitalisation of Norwegian Customs and importer’s responsibilities
Press release from Tolletaten (Norwegian Customs) about the discontinuity of direct transport (in Norwegian): Tolletaten avvikler direktekjøringsordningen i mars 2025, og samtidig innføres digital melde- og opplysningsplikt
Norwegian Customs’ Digitoll resource page